Why Coaching?

Contact Lin

We possess more power, strength and wisdom within than we most often utilize or access.

Do you feel as though you haven’t tapped into your full potential or accomplished certain challenging goals?  Having a coach will change your progress and your life!

It has everything to do with the value and advantages of having a Certified Professional Coach, whether it be a Life, Leadership, Executive, Business or Wellness Coach. Regardless of the specific coaching area, getting to the next level or tackling what’s in front of you can be daunting and even disguised as impossible.  A professional coach is a trusted partner who supports by believing whole heartedly you are more than capable of accomplishing whatever goals, dreams or desires you choose.  This is where two bring more power and energy to the one.

Some of the most affluent people utilize and appreciate the value of having a coach support them getting to their next level.  No matter who you are or your social status, connecting with a professionally trained coach will make a world of difference in the time and energy it takes to get you to your next step, next goal, next accomplishment.  Unlike a spouse, friend, colleague or boss, a well-trained professional coach has no emotional attachment with limited history offering no preconceived thoughts or ideas about your past.  This allows you the space to be open and explore the possibilities and opportunities that may already exist.  Curiosity, suspending judgment and believing in the client especially when beliefs become limited is a privilege and honor a professional coach provides.

There is an art to actively listening, asking questions that provoke deeper thought and ideas and holding space for the client to explore and expand without judgement or bias.  You know better than anyone what matters to you, what experiences you want to create and where you want to go but maybe not sure how to develop your plan or feel overwhelmed by next steps to take.  This is where a coach applies skill and experience that helps make the process manageable and realistic for you to accomplish the desired outcome.  

As your coach, I am committed to building trust, believing you are more than capable and a positive reinforcement to your journey!

The Value of Coaching

Coaching a person to support where he or she is in this moment and offering a process for moving forward to accomplish dreams, aspirations, goals, tasks, etc. is a powerful approach to attainment. Truly, one has to experience coaching to know it value.

Coaching Optimization

You are the focus.  You set the pace.  You determine what goals to set.  You create and define accountability.  And as a result, you will achieve what may have seemed impossible!  

My role as your coach will be to guide the process (using the International Coaching Federation coaching model), listen for the verbal and non-verbal nuggets and support you to walk through the doors you open and shut the doors that no longer serve you.  I am here to advocate for your dreams to come to life, gently and appropriately keep you on task with forward momentum.  Coaching support is keeping each conversation organized but cumulative, engaging and enticing creativeness.  Serving to bring your best forward and enabling greatness is my coaching mission.